
Monday May 21, 2018
“What’s in your Lunch Box” John 6:1-13
Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
#2 in the series:
“The Magnificent Seven (Exploring the miracles of Jesus in John’s Gospel)” “What’s in your Lunch Box” John 6:1-13
Hanging out with your best friends and all of a sudden you are joined by a hungry crowd (thousand of them) and you realize that bag of frozen patties and buns isn’t going to do, or is it? While every gospel writer noted the miracle we look at today, it is John that both emphasizes that “God is able” but also, that we can play a part. For the impossible circumstances in your life, the question is still “what’s in your lunch box?”

Monday May 14, 2018
“OK, Mom!” John 2:1-11
Monday May 14, 2018
Monday May 14, 2018
#1 in the series:
“The Magnificent Seven (Exploring the miracles of Jesus in John’s Gospel)” “OK, Mom!” John 2:1-11
Seeing a fast approaching embarrassment coming, Jesus’s mother calls upon her son to intervene on behalf of the wedding party. John notes that this is the first of the many miraculous signs Jesus would perform, but it also may be the most curious. Is He encouraging drinking to excess? What deep truth is being revealed in this act? And what about that exchange with his mother that sets the stage for all that is to come?

Monday Apr 30, 2018
Living Like a “Child” 1 John 3:1
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Living Like a “Child” 1 John 3:1
As Easter people we are invited to live with our “eyes open” to God’s presence as well as His good- ness to us. We are not only to be more like recipients, but also participants. How can we live in greater awareness of His purposes for us?

Monday Apr 23, 2018
Special thank you from Missionaries embarking on a new life journey
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Special Friends of New Life Community Church Steve and Carol Johnson.

Monday Apr 16, 2018
“The Power of a “thank you”!” Luke 17:11-19
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
“The Power of a “thank you”!”
Luke 17:11-19
As Easter-people we are invited to live with our “eyes open” (woke) to not just to God’s presence in our lives but also His goodness. This awareness of His goodness changes us and “Thank you” has the power to change the world.

Monday Apr 09, 2018
“Living (spiritually) Woke” Luke 24:13-35
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Monday Apr 09, 2018
“Living (spiritually) Woke” Luke 24:13-35
The slang term “woke” has gained popular usage in our culture today. It generally means to be “awake” of the world (in particular to the injustices) around you. Easter, while it is a day to remember/celebrate Christ’s victory over death, is also an invitation to live “Woke” day to day in this new reality of Christ’s victory. As Easter-people we are invited to live in awareness of His presence, His goodness and His purposes with us at all times.

Monday Mar 26, 2018
The Unique Jesus (part 6) The Cross: Grace for the Undeserving Luke 23:32-43
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Monday Mar 26, 2018
The Unique Jesus (part 6) The Cross: Grace for the Undeserving Luke 23:32-43
Each Gospel tells the story of Jesus yet each tells it in a unique way. As we draw near to Easter we continue to look at the story of Jesus from Luke’s perspective. At the cross, Luke captures an en- counter Jesus has with another man condemned to die that day. His dying words still speak to our greatest need: God’s Grace that will wash away our sin.

Monday Mar 19, 2018
The Unique Jesus (part 5) Friend of Sinners Luke 19:1-10
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
The Unique Jesus (part 5) Friend of Sinners Luke 19:1-10
Each Gospel tells the story of Jesus yet each tells it in a unique way. As we draw near to Easter we continue to look at the story of Jesus from Luke’s perspective. “Jesus, friend of sinners” is a key part of Luke’s depiction. In today’s passage we see Jesus encounter a short fellow in a tree and find that there’s a little Zacchaeus in all of us.

Monday Mar 12, 2018
The Unique Jesus (part 4) Uncomfortable Grace Luke 15:11-32
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Monday Mar 12, 2018
The Unique Jesus (part 4) Uncomfortable Grace Luke 15:11-32
Each Gospel tells the story of Jesus yet each tells it in a unique way. As we draw near to Easter we continue to look at the story of Jesus from Luke’s perspective. Some of our favorite parables and stories that Jesus told are only found in Luke, including today’s story of a man who had two sons. Are we more amazed or disturbed by the grace revealed in the story of the prodigal?

Monday Mar 05, 2018
“Soldiers in God’s Army” by Chaplain Sanders, Merced County Jail Ministry
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Merced County Jail Ministry
P.O. Box 1221
Merced, CA 95341
(209) 356-8067