
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
“The Path of Freedom” Philippians 4:6-7
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Created in God’s image, we naturally yearn for a closer connection to our Heavenly Father. But we
struggle with distractions and distortions that keep us distant from the life we yearn for. The answer has often been developing spiritual habits (such as prayer, study, meditation, service, etc.)
to draw us closer. Today we look at the gift of prayer as the path to true freedom from the crush of anxiety in our lives and a primary means to usher in real change.

Sunday Sep 05, 2021
New Series (4 parts) “Quenching our Soul-Thirst” “Making Room” Psalm 42:1
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Created in God’s image, we naturally yearn for a closer connection to our Heavenly Father. But we struggle with distractions and distortions that keep us distant from the life we yearn for. The answer has often been developing spiritual habits (such as prayer, study, meditation, service, etc.) to draw us closer. But in our modern, crazy world, we also need to create space to cut through the clutter of our lives that hinders our ability to hear His voice, to drink deeply of His grace, to grow closer to our walk with Him. Today we look at the pace of our life and how we can break its cycle to restore His peace.

Sunday Aug 29, 2021
“When Things Don’t make Sense” John 16:33
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
We live in troubling times. The world seems to have turned upside down and we have a hard time making sense of it all. We don’t know what to believe, we don’t know who to trust, it is all so confusing. Surrounded by such a chaotic world, where can we find refuge and strength to overcome? Jesus invites us to meet him amid the chaos and find what we truly need.

Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Are You Tired” Psalm 23:1-3
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Jesus asked a question, “Are you tired?” Our lives are busy, and we run ourselves to the point of exhaustion. We tend to believe the lies that tiredness causes. We must ask ourselves, what and who are we following. Hiding beneath the surface of tired lies and souls, is a lack of trust in the One who promised us freedom from lack. Our culture rushes like a river of rapids; we must learn to follow the God of the quiet waters. And, learn to trust in the Good Shepherd that is here to guide us; learning to embrace that He makes us lie down and rest.

Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Take the Plunge (part 7) “Moving through Doubts to Faith” John 20:24-29
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
If simply believing is the key to the Gospel, why is
believing tricky for so many? Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus engages with those who would
struggle with belief. Doubts are a normal part of a
growing faith. They certainly can sidetrack our faith, but they can also be the door through which
we come to believe more completely. Today we look at Thomas, wrestle with his doubts and see
how Jesus confronts them to help Thomas through.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Take the Plunge (part 6) “The Search for Significance” John 6
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
If simply believing is the key to the Gospel, why is believing tricky for so many? Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus engages with those who would struggle with belief. Even the growing crowds gathered looking for answers but missing the point. Many today continue to pursue the idea “there must be something more” only to find these paths are dead-ends. We search for significance in all the wrong places, Jesus invites us to the bread of life.

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Take the Plunge (part 5) “Hope for the Disappointed” John 11:17-37
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
If simply believing is the key to the Gospel, why is believing tricky for so many? Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus engages with those who would struggle with belief. Even for those who knew Jesus, painful circumstances could be an impediment to faith. What can we do when we feel God has let us down? Today we’ll step into the deep, where God seeks to meet us.

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Take the Plunge (part 4) “Overcoming a Critical Spirit” John 1:43-51
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
If simply believing is the key to the Gospel, why is believing tricky for so many? Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus engages with those who would struggle with belief. Even in the stories of the calling of his disciples, we confront judging/prideful attitude and Jesus inviting him (and us) to overcome that critical spirit.

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Take the Plunge (part 3) Nicodemus “Getting Over Ourselves” John 4:1-26
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
If simply believing is the key to the Gospel, why is believing tricky for so many? Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus engages with those who would struggle with belief. Either we feel God is no longer trustworthy or we are no longer deserving. Today we look into an encounter with a woman who struggled with both, and how Jesus invites us to close the gap.

Sunday Jul 11, 2021
(part 2) Nicodemus “Being a Christian without being Religious” John 3:1-15
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
If simply believing is the key to the Gospel, why is believing tricky for so many? Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus engages with those who would struggle with belief. Today we look into an encounter with a very religious man, one actually trapped by his religious piety. What do we miss when we trust in rule following and who gets excluded when such rules are what the church seems to offer?